Dancing Queen

Roth, Charlotte, 2017
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ISBN 9781370857296
Verfasser Roth, Charlotte Wikipedia
Verlag Smashwords
Jahr 2017
Altersbeschränkung keine
Annotation All her life, Fiona Madsen has dreamed of becoming a dancerâ€"a dream that was shattered on her seventh birthday when her mom told her that dancing was not for “fat girls" like her. Now, at age thirty-five, Fiona is again confronted with her weight issues when the HR department at work kindly encourages her to attend a support group for people with health problems. Here, she connects with Skinny Stu from accounting and realizes the two of them have more in common than she could ever imagine.To address their issues, Stu suggests the two sign up for a Dancing With the Local Stars competition. After much deliberation and soul searching, Fiona says yes and together theyâ€"Fat Fiona and Skinny Stuâ€"embark on a journey that will change their lives forever. But they must overcome one major obstacle first… Fiona’s sister, who’s running for mayor, finds out about the competition and threatens to have Fiona disqualified.Will Fiona withdraw from the competition to protect her sister’s reputation or will she follow her childhood dream of becoming the ultimate Dancing Queen?Dancing Queen--set in everyday life in Seattleâ€"is a story of hope and finding the courage to be happy with who you are instead of who others think you are.